Monday, March 29, 2010

Eryka Badu's newest masterpiece

Erykah Badu's latest offering called "New Amerykah: Part 2 (Return of the Ankh)," comes out this Tuesday, March 30th, and is nothing short of thrilling. I'm not sure where the "Ankh" went, but it is definitely back and I think this one is a masterpiece. While New Amerykah: Part One (4th World War), suffered from a general lack of direction and perhaps too many ideas, Part Two seems to have more of a cohesive theme. The theme of part two seems to be LOVE. I'm not sure who she is currently in love with, but it definitely shows in her music. The songs float along on rhythmic light clouds of loveliness. I mentioned to a friend that I was glad to be alive to hear such beautiful music (it really was that good to me). This album is more straight forward and less abstract than her last few efforts.

Erykah tends to make her fans wait a while, she often makes promises that she doesn't keep (like changing release dates often). When Part One was released, she said she would be putting out the next volume within 6 months, which would be followed by a live album (needless to say, we've been waiting 2 years for the follow-up to Part One). This offering was worth the wait. Standout tracks are "Love" "Umm Hmm" and "Gone Baby, Don't be Long." It includes an extra track featuring Lil' Wayne called "Jump Up in The Air and Stay There" when purchased on I-Tunes.

1 comment:

Dave Charles. said...

it is really good. even after the delay they still flow nicely.