Thursday, February 11, 2010

Elisabeth Hasselbeck, please calm yourself down!

Hot Topics indeed...anytime Sarah Palin's name comes up on The View, sparks start to fly and verbal cat fights ensue. Elisabeth Hasselbeck gets completely rude and defensive anytime that Sarah Palin's name is mentioned, whether it happens to be true or not. She climbs up onto her soapbox spouting her Republican B.S. propaganda. Myself and the other panel members of The View just start rolling their eyes when she gets going.

Not sure why she feels the need to defend her every time, especially since Palin started the whole thing by hating on Obama and his use of a teleprompter. Palin had issues with him using the teleprompter, but she writes things on her hands so that she can remember what to say (Who cares Sarah Palin?, get something else to complain about). Obama's press secretary,Robert Gibbs, made a slight joke and looked at his hand as if he had written things down just as Sarah Palin had done. Not really a huge deal. This sent Elisabeth into one of her Republican tirades. Please see the link below to hear her ridiculousness (you may have to copy and paste the link), and what the hell is she wearing anyway?

1 comment:


Hopey Changey??? Sarah Palin is a dumbass. She really is. Elisabeth calm down. Thanks for the post. Would have missed this all together. I am so glad to see this clip. The Press Secretary was right. Sarah has no business hating on anybody. Elisabeth, are you in a crisis? I don't think so. Man, Joy shut her up huh...I need to start taping the view!