Monday, May 24, 2010

LOST "The End"...

Well, the good news is we did get an ending and SOME answers. The bad news is that they left a lot unanswered or open for interpretation. After I figured out what was going on, it did provide closure and it was nice to see the faces of those who hadn't been on the show in years (Shannon, Libby, Charlotte, Juliet, Daniel, and Boone all returned as well as Rose and Bernard). The producers say that there will be more answers on the DVD (which kind of sucks, if they wanted us to know these things they should have told us during the course of the show). This seems like a ploy to get everyone to buy the DVD set (which I will!)

After I was able to process everything that happened during the finale, I did feel slightly better about it. The way the show is designed, you can't help but expect answers because they continually bring up questions. My expectations were set way too high. I then remembered that we were lucky to even get an ending to such a great show. Many shows go off the air or get cancelled before they are able to conclude anything.

In my opinion, I would give the finale a 7.5 rating. This is only because some questions I wanted answered were left unexplained. The show is extremely exciting, a great ride that I feel glad to have seen.

1 comment:

Dave Charles. said...

i did not see it but will get the dvd set for sure