Friday, July 30, 2010

President Obama on "The View"

This is the first time in history that a sitting president has come onto a daytime talk show. It was a very big deal. He says that part of the reason why he came on the show is because his wife Michelle enjoys the show so much. As always, he seemed poised and relaxed. It sometimes felt like a Public Relations ploy (his ratings have declined since the BP oil spill, where some of the public felt he didn't respond soon enough). It was nice to see him in this kind of format. He was even able to school Elisabeth Hasselbeck a little bit when she went in on him about the economy and layoffs. Everyone appeared to be on their best behavior otherwise, even Barbara who has been away recuperating from heart surgery made a special appearance for the event.

It will be interesting to see what President Obama's detractors will have to say about this television appearance and the motives behind it. At one point he was asked what he listens to on his Ipod, he said everything from Jay-Z to opera singer Maria Callas (very interesting). He was also asked such ridiculous fluff questions such as if he knew that Lindsay Lohan was sent to jail (he did know that), and also if he knows who "Snooki" is from the Jersey Shore (he didn't seem to know who she was).

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