Friday, June 11, 2010

Stolen Ashes

This was the saddest story I ever heard. An Austin woman was preparing for a memorial service for her deceased father, she was carrying around her father's cremated ashes in her purse (why she would carry her father's ashes around in her purse is any one's guess). She left the purse in her car and the purse was then stolen along with the ashes that she had left inside her purse. Now the poor lady can't have a proper memorial service without her father's ashes. So sad! The funeral home is now offering $500 for the return of the ashes. I hope she gets them back, but she probably will not. I can just see some whacked out dope fiend tasting the ashes to see if they are drugs and then throwing them into the garbage. Poor lady. I guess the moral of this story is to not keep your parents in your purse at any time.

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