The Bee Gees were on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon a couple of nights ago. If you are a Saturday Night Live fan, then you would know that Jimmy Fallon does a hilarious skit with Justin Timberlake called "The Barry Gibb Talk Show" where they pretend to be the Bee Gees and mimic their famous falsettos while talking to guests about ridiculous things like chest hair and "crazy cool medallions". Too funny! When I saw that they were going to be on his show, I couldn't wait to see how they were going to react to his skits. Jimmy Fallon has done the skit a lot and it is always funny. They were pretty good sports about the whole thing and even sang the theme for "The Barry Gibb Talk Show" with Jimmy. It was hilarious (there were no clips available, the network has blocked all of them).
1 comment:
Glad I didn't miss that one. It seemed like a dream come true for him.
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