Tuesday, April 27, 2010

"What Chilli Wants"...

Rozonda "Chilli" Thomas from the R"N"B trio TLC is now looking for love on TV (just like every other celebrity these days). I'm afraid she may never find it. Her list of qualifications is rather lengthy, it's no wonder that she does not have a man. Her list (and these are just the things that I can remember) says the guy has to love children, believe in God, no drinking, smoking, or eating pork. He can't be intimidated by her fame and should be self-employed. He also has to have six-pack abs and be well-endowed, the list really goes on and on it is completey ridiculous. I think only Usher can fit this bill. Usher cheated on her, so she really should try looking for something else. It will be interesting to see if she can actually find a man to meet the qualifications. I'm sure I would meet all of her qualifications, but then I might have to relocate to Atlanta.

On another note, Chilli and T-Boz are still performing (actually they were lip-syncing) as TLC. They were performing for a Justin Timberlake charity event and when the Left-Eye parts would come on, they would just show Left Eye on a monitor screen. In my opinion, the two should just do solo careers or make a new group as a duo. It was nice to see them performing together, but the whole TLC time has now passed. Especially now that Left Eye has died.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

The Bee Gees on Jimmy Fallon

The Bee Gees were on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon a couple of nights ago. If you are a Saturday Night Live fan, then you would know that Jimmy Fallon does a hilarious skit with Justin Timberlake called "The Barry Gibb Talk Show" where they pretend to be the Bee Gees and mimic their famous falsettos while talking to guests about ridiculous things like chest hair and "crazy cool medallions". Too funny! When I saw that they were going to be on his show, I couldn't wait to see how they were going to react to his skits. Jimmy Fallon has done the skit a lot and it is always funny. They were pretty good sports about the whole thing and even sang the theme for "The Barry Gibb Talk Show" with Jimmy. It was hilarious (there were no clips available, the network has blocked all of them).

Friday, April 23, 2010

Project Runway winner Seth Aaron's hair

Last night was the finale for Project Runway Season 7 and the winner was none other than 37 year-old Seth Aaron Henderson. His designs were innovative and exciting. His new haircut on the other hand was so distractingly ugly that I just kept looking at his hair the whole time. The other two designers Emilio and Mila were also interesting, so interesting that I couldn't make up my mind who was the best. All three designers were unique in their own ways, but Seth Aaron dazzled the judges a little more. It would have been very hard for me to make a decision (that is if I were one of the judges).

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Kelis' "Get Along With You"

This video is almost 10 years old now, but it is still good. Kelis is so ahead of her time that her old stuff still sounds as she would say "Young, Fresh, and New." I always loved this video, it reminds me of Tim Burton. She should get back with the Neptunes and produce timeless classics such as this one. It's sad at the end when she turns into a mannequin and starts taking off her appendages (sounds weird, but not after you see the video). I still love this video, she really follows her own path. And she looks so cute too!

Monday, April 19, 2010

KFC's weird new "sandwich"

KFC has a new and ridiculous sandwich called the "Double Down." Their new "revolutionary" idea replaces the burger buns with chicken. So instead of 2 burger buns, you get 2 chicken fillets. Between the 2 fillets are 2 strips of bacon and 2 slices of cheese (yummy, sounds like a heart attack to me).

The sandwich is low carb, but very high in fat and calories. It contains 23 grams of fat in the grilled version and 32 grams in the fried variety. By having the 2 fillets, you get a whopping 53 grams of protein (probably a dream meal for a bodybuilder). I'll skip this one.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Sade on the Tonight Show

Sade looks so great, it seems as if she doesn't age. I thought this was a pretty nice performance and a good song in general. It's nice to see her all over the place promoting herself. I feel like I have to savor these performances, when she disappears we may not see her again for another 10 years. I wonder if one of those little girl back-up singers is her daughter?

Monday, April 12, 2010

Knight and Day trailer

I love Cameron Diaz, but am not really a Tom Cruise fan. Not so sure about this new film. Looks action-packed though. This one could go either way for me. Cameron usually can't do wrong in my eyes, she just has to flash that pearly joker-like smile and I would be satisfied. Film comes out June 25th. Take a look at the trailer.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Marshmallow Peeps

Right around Easter we begin to see those beloved marshmallow peeps and bunnies in all colors and shapes. While they may be cute, I've never really been that big of a fan. That is until I found a better way to eat them. Last year, a friend gave me a couple of boxes for Easter. Not really wanting to eat plain, sugar-sprinkled marshmallows in animal shapes, I decided to see how they would taste if you burned them on a fire. I've always enjoyed regular marshmallows in this way, why not these? To my amazement, they were delicious in every way. I simply stuck them onto sticks and burned them up (I secretly enjoy torching the little cute things). The sugar that they are sprinkled with quickly chars and creates a crispy and sweet shell with a soft warm gooey marshmallow center (DELICIOUS!!).

Needless to say, I enjoy them charred very much. I always mention this to friends and they all say that they never thought about doing this. Be sure not to let it burn all the way or the little thing will just fall off the stick and into fire. I mention this now because after Easter, everyone has those peeps on sale for half off or even more (I bought 3 boxes). You'll enjoy them this way, I promise.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Rosie the robot

Weren't we promised flying cars and fancy housekeeper sass-talking robots like Rosie from the Jetsons in the year 2000? Where are they? I'm still waiting...my life would be so much easier if I could fly to work in my car and have Rosie fix me breakfast every morning.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Clash of The Titans

I had high hopes for this one, I had loved the original movie so much from my childhood. This version seemed bloated with CGI special effects and a heavily modified storyline. What was missing from this version was the manipulation of the gods, they seemed to take a back seat to giant CGI scorpions. Part of Perseus's motivation in the original film was his love for the Princess Andromeda, here in the new film they give him an unnecessary love interest called Io. Star Sam Worthington delivered as Perseus, but nothing else seemed worthwhile. Most of the effects looked like they ripped them off from a video game. The mean and menacing Medusa was reduced to a cartoon-like creature (not scary). This version really just left me longing for the 1981 version of the film. It didn't work for me at all. It's sad that I would rather see special effects from a movie that is almost 30 years old than see the ones in this new film.