Sunday, January 31, 2010

Beyonce...So rude!

The reason I say Beyonce is so rude is because she has re-issued her latest CD called "I am...Sasha Fierce" not once, not twice, but three times. The first was the original version in 2008, followed by a "deluxe edition" in 2009 that included 5 extra bonus tracks. Now (and can you believe this) she has released yet again another so-called "deluxe edition" that includes 2 new songs "Poison" and a remix of "Video Phone ft. Lady Gaga."

It seems like she has been purposely holding back songs, so that she can get you to keep buying the re-issues of her albums. It seems so greedy. Maybe her album would have sold better if she had put those extra songs on the original CD to begin with.

She should keep in mind that her true fans are the ones who run out and buy that original CD when it first comes out. So rude....that Beyonce. No one wants to buy three different versions of your CD.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

LOST returns finally!

Finally, the sixth season of Lost returns next Tuesday, February 2nd. For those of us who have patiently waited almost 6 years for specific answers, this will be an absolute joy to watch. That is if they explain everything. They have been stringing us along and stalling for all this time. It gives me anxieties just to think about all of the unanswered questions.

Last season, I wrote down a list of everything that I felt had not been answered and the list had about 50 questions that had not been answered as of yet. That is a lot that has gone unanswered. All I ask, is that they answer the previous long-running questions. I hope they don't bring up new questions and explain new characters without giving proper closure to the original characters.

And don't make it a dream or a do-over either, that's just gonna piss off the fans! I keep reading all these reports of dead characters who will be coming back. Almost everyone that has died will be returning at some point during this season. Could be interesting and exciting if done properly. The question is why are they returning? Are they ghosts? Are they travelling back and forth through time? WTF? If they make it where the plane never crashes, I'm going to scream and pull my hair out!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Dr. Pepper's Mysterious 23 flavors

So what are the mysterious 23 flavors that are "supposed" to be in Dr. Pepper? They boast about them on the cans and bottles, in the ads, billboards, commercials on and on. Why is it that they won't tell us what they are? Not even ONE of those flavors?

I know they can't just give out the entire recipe (everyone would be making it, not only Mr. Pibb). It seems that if they are so proud of their 23 flavors, that they would try to let us know what they are.

I'm just sayin'.

Julie Benz now on Desperate Housewives?

Well, looks like Julie Benz has moved on over to Wisteria Lane. The last time we saw her , she was still Dexter's wife Rita on the Dexter season 4 finale. She was soaking in a bathtub that appeared to have more blood in it than water. She looked pretty dead, but you never know on that show. I was kind of hoping it was a dream or horrible nightmare.

Seeing her now pop up on Desperate Housewives, kind of confirms our fears. I hear that her new housewives character is a stripper. I just hope she doesn't start using botox like the rest of the Housewives' cast.
Goodbye Rita :(

Monday, January 25, 2010

Sade "Soldier of Love"

If you haven't already heard, Sade has a new video for "Soldier of Love." LOVE the song, but she looks ridiculous in that silver outfit with the lasso and the wind machine blowing her hair. Check it out through the link at the bottom of the page.

What does the outfit and lasso have to do with being a "Soldier of Love? (She wears the outfit about 2 minutes into the music video.)

K-mart stop teasing us!

K-mart, please stop showing your advertisements in Austin, TX. It appears that there is not a K-mart anywhere near Austin, but we are continually subjected to your ads and sales advertisements. I personally feel teased by these ads and commercials. I don't want to know about sales and deals if I can't go out and buy this stuff.

It seems like there should be some advertising executive that should know that we don't have their stores here and who should know not to advertise in Austin. We have no K-mart stores here. You're wasting your time and money by showing us these commercials. Stop enticing us with your low prices!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Saw "Daybreakers" last night. Interesting concept of a movie with the vampires taking over the earth and the humans almost becoming extinct. Ethan Hawke has never been my favorite actor though. Has good moments and effects, but overall lacks in plot. Definately catch this one as a matinee.